Company mergers are nothing new, but I have recently become convinced that merging must be more than a mere mercantile roll in the corporate hay. There really must be something to this merger thing or industrial giants would never consider it. So, I figure, if it’s good enough for corporate America , it must be good enough for me. That’s why I’ve decided it’s time to follow their lead. I’ve decided to merge my family with the family down the street.
Merging is nothing new to my family. We’ve already managed to merge the dining room with the living room so breakfast, cartoons, kids and mom may coexist peacefully and the bathroom and the family room must have merged because every time I’m up there, a sudden family run on the plumbing arises.
Now, as to the merger -- first of all, the family down the street has a far larger house, that is, physical plant, than I have. Their two and a half baths combined with my one will improve employee as well as customer satisfaction by a whopping 250%!
As one large single-family unit, I can drop my health insurance coverage and accept a generous buy-out check (adding fuel to the tax-your-benefits debate) resulting in an increase of liquid assets while utilizing the family down the street’s insurance more efficiently. Even though the family down the street’s insurance may not be as good, it’s cheaper.
We will file our taxes jointly giving us a total of seven children and two stay-at-home moms guaranteeing us virtually tax-free status for at least the next 21 years. That’s better than any old tax moratorium or shelter.
Instead of being a two-car family, we will now boast a fleet of four vehicles which, even though we may never actually need them all, must be a good thing because we’re bigger and have more stuff and can buy car wax by the bulk.
Of course, as in any merger, there is bound to be a duplication of services that, as difficult as it may be, must be dwelt with. Although years of devoted, faithful, loyal, productive service have been provided, it is with sincere and deepest regret that, in order to maintain an even greater profit margin, certain family members’ positions must be dissolved. The position of father will be named by the family with the most assets brought to the table. A position will be created for the other father with the job title of great uncle visiting from a Midwestern state to be named at a later date. The position of mother will be maintained by the mothers from both families. The said mothers will create their own job descriptions. At first, an early retirement option was proposed for one of the mothers, but after realizing both mothers wanted it, the offer was quickly withdrawn. Some children may have to be let go. If there weight as a tax deduction is less than their benefit to the family, they can and will be pink slipped. Please note that it is not the responsibility of the family to place them elsewhere. It doesn’t matter how long they’ve been with the family. They’ve picked up skills. They’ll land on their feet. We’ll give them a right jolly letter of recommendation. Besides, there are plenty of programs out there to retrain them as adorable orphans.
As for any family pets: any and all will be stored in a warehouse in Piscataway, New Jersey for no longer than five years and, if no use is found for them, they can and will be sold at auction along with any unused furniture, fixture or appliance. What is not sold at auction will be abandoned.
When we are one large, functioning family, we will begin to eye up other families on the block for hostile takeovers. Since we can now buy higher, sell lower, work faster and more efficiently; other small families haven’t a chance at survival. After we’ve acquired the block, we’ll market an aggressive expansion program into the next block and then the next until anti-trust laws stop us or our competition is merely a handful of other larger-than-life families who will work with us to keep everyone’s prices and wages even and “fair.”
As businesses begin to meld into larger and larger institutions, the smaller, middle-of-the-road businesses have less of a chance of success let alone survival. If this trend continues, society will be split into two classes: the laboring class and the executive class. History tells us what happens next.
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